Peter Ruys de Perez, Owner & Executive Director
Peter has a BA (History & Political Science) from McGill University. He spent 15 years as a camper and staff member at Camp Mazinaw in Central Ontario. After a career on Bay Street, he founded Cedar Ridge Camp and is fulfilling his dream to establish an environment where young men and women can grow. An outdoor enthusiast, Peter is a participant in many Ontario triathlons.
Grayson Burke, Director & Co-Founder
Grayson has a BRLS (Bachelor of Recreation and Leisure Studies) from Brock University. Grayson has worked for several Ontario camps including Kilcoo Camp, where he spent 15 years as both a camper and staff member. He brings commitment and dedication to working with youth. As a founder of Cedar Ridge Camp, Grayson has been instrumental in growing the program and establishing the culture that has made Cedar Ridge one of Canada’s premier camps.
Head of Alumni Relations
Ian Ramirez: Head of Cedar Ridge Alumni. Long time camper, staff member, and outdoor enthusiast.
Megan Ramirez Berend: Head of Cedar Ridge Alumni. BHTM (Bachelor of Hospitality & Tourism Management) from Algonquin College.